Join Opal Creations
Job Vacancies
Want to be part of a growing company, gain valueble experience and earn some money? Opal Creations are based in Swindon, Wiltshire. We have a variety of permanent development, sales and administrative staff with a variety of excellent freelance developers on hand to assist with any extra work. We are always interested to hear from quality people in the field of web development. We treat all approaches with complete confidence. Our staff are highly experienced in web services - however, we recognise the value of 'new blood' in all aspects of our work. How to applyIf you would like to apply for any positions listed then please send an email with your CV and Covering Letter with a note on "why we should choose you" to Sarah Keenan, our staff and client manager, to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . If you think you can help us in ways that are not listed then please tell us. We will generally provide a response within 7 days (unless otherwise stated). |